Semiconductor Devices
As the name implies, semiconductors are materials that are neither completely insulators nor completely conductors. Semiconductor devices are electronic components that utilize the electronic properties of such semiconductor materials. One of the most important properties of semiconductor material is that by adding some impurities to them, they can either conduct or insulate, depending upon their connection. Semiconductor devices thus serve the basis for switching and amplification. Some of the most common semiconductors are germanium and silicon; however silicon is the preferred choice for semiconductor today. The process of adding impurities to the semiconductor material is called as doping.
Uses of Semiconductor Devices
Some of the most important semiconductor devices are diodes, transistors, and thyristors. These semiconductor devices have changed the face of electronics today. Transistors have virtually replaced vacuum tubes and the valves. Semiconductors find wide applications because of their compactness, reliability, and low cost. They can handle a wide range of current and voltage. One of the most important reasons of choosing transistors, thyristors or any other semiconductor device is their ability to be integrated into complex but readily manufactured modules. IGBT modules, thyristor and diode modules are today the preferred choice for many OEM and replacement market.